Murphy's Law states: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." This is especially true and especially painful when there is an audience involved.



This blog was active from April, 2008 to July 2012.
It is no longer being updated. It will continue to be maintained for reference purposes.

Obligatory year-end retrospective post 2008

calendarMost popular guest post based on bad search engine assumptions: The world’s worst wet T-shirt contestLaura Bergells was kind enough to share this story that is still getting getting a lot of hits (for all the wrong reasons).

As I do, a man with 2 steaming coffees in his hands walks briskly towards me. However, his head is turned over his shoulder and he’s yelling to someone far behind him.

Twelve ounces of scalding coffee hits the front of my white blouse. I howl in pain and run to the washroom as the man tries to initiate a conversation about how sorry he is.

Worst anthropomorphization: Toshiba TLP-X200U: Watch your mouth… –The TLP-X200U uses audible messages to interface with the projectionist.

Unexpected things projectors will be heard saying in the future:

  • “Hey Butthead!!! Yeah, you at the lectern. Time to change my filter.”
  • “You never take me anywhere nice anymore.”
  • “Sorry, I just can’t stay focused today.”
  • “Poor Uncle Sony, they said it was death by PowerPoint.”
  • “Stop pushing my buttons!”

Best product placement: But I can’t find a Pepsi anywhere…

It’s sort of like this: if you need to have Pepsi, and you’re headed for Atlanta, be sure to bring your own. The hard part is knowing that you’ll need to do so.

Post most likely to cause retching when read during lunch break: Don’t Kick the Bucket

They were all pros and they all knew the show had to go on. A number of buckets were placed as discreetly as possible around the ballroom for use while the stage was built and the equipment was set up. The smell was pretty bad he said. The sounds were worse.

Post that caused the most comment conversation (perhaps due to the Star Wars tie in): Jedi Knights With Frickin’ Laser Pointers — This was also BML’s first real post. It’s been all down hill since.

The little red dot slides across the audience like he’s a nervous hit man looking for his target. It’s lucky he doesn’t burn out a couple retinas. Whoops, he’s turning back to the screen. Good thing he’s not a Jedi Knight. That evil Sith lectern would be toast. I could almost hear the sound effects from that scene when Luke…

(sorry, got carried away)

Anyway, I think you see the point. If you’re going to use a laser pointer, use it correctly.

Post in which I use the word “Buttwipe” not once, but twice: Breaking Murphy’s Leg — Mom was so proud.

At a previous job, we had a roll of toilet paper, affectionately known as “Buttwipe,” that was thrown into the box with the rest of the  art department’s supplies and shipped to every meeting we worked. The consequences of not performing this act of raw superstition, though unspecified, were too too horrible to consider.

Looking back on the last eight months and 21 days I’m amazed at all the ground covered and all the topics touched on. I’d like to thank everyone who had a hand in getting this thing off the ground — especially those who linked to it, took time to comment or contributed a guest post. Your support for what I’m trying to accomplish is greatly appreciated. I’d also like to wish everyone a happy New year!

5 comments to Obligatory year-end retrospective post 2008

  • Twitter Comment by @Lee_Potts (Lee Potts)…

    Just posted my obligatory year-end retrospective post 2008 ([link to post]). Happy new year everyone! – – Posted using Chat Catcher …

  • Lee:

    I'm so, um, honored? :) …to be first on your list of top 2008 posts!

    Note to self: increase traffic to blog by using more provocative sounding titles!

    Happy 2009!

  • Hi Laura,

    Happy 2009 to you too.

    I was worried you might be more appalled than honored.

    Just remember, I can only take partial credit for the title. They were your words, I just took advantage of them.

    Thanks again for all the support you were kind enough to extend to BML as I've been getting it off the ground.

  • Hi Laura,

    Happy 2009 to you too.

    I was worried you might be more appalled than honored.

    Just remember, I can only take partial credit for the title. They were your words, I just took advantage of them.

    Thanks again for all the support you were kind enough to extend to BML as I've been getting it off the ground.

  • Hi Laura,

    Happy 2009 to you too.

    I was worried you might be more appalled than honored.

    Just remember, I can only take partial credit for the title. They were your words, I just took advantage of them.

    Thanks again for all the support you were kind enough to extend to BML as I've been getting it off the ground.